22 Ιανουαρίου 2025
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Ειδήσεις από την Καθολική Εκκλησία στην Ελλάδα

Pope meets with President of Greece

(Vatican Radio) This morning, Friday 28 March 2014, in the Vatican Apostolic Palace, the Holy Father Francis received in Audience the President of the Hellenic Republic, His Excellency Mr. Karolos Papoulias, who subsequently went on to meet with His Eminence Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin, accompanied by His Eminence Archbishop Dominique Mamberti, Secretary for Relations with States.

The cordial discussions, an expression of the existing good relations between the Holy See and Greece, focused on issues of common interest, such as, in particular, the legal status of religious communities, the role of religion in society, and ecumenical collaboration.

Attention then turned to the social consequences of the worldwide economic crisis, as well as the contribution of Greece within the European Union. Finally, concern was expressed regarding the future presence of Christians in the Middle East, in relation to political instability and the situations of conflict that affect various regions of the world.

Προηγούμενο Άρθρο

Έκθεση της Caritas Europa “Η ευρωπαϊκή κρίση και ο αντίκτυπός της στους ανθρώπους – Έκκληση για δίκαιες εναλλακτικές οδούς και λύσεις”

Επόμενο Άρθρο

Υπέρ της Οικογένειας ακόμα και ενάντια στην γενική τάση, αυτό είναι ευθύνη της Εκκλησίας

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